
Daily reality and the news about it. Part 4.

Part 4. Science → great convergence → mass extinction event

For memory the multiple side-effects of Western-Modernity, that are presently converging, are accelerating both : — the unleashing, by each one of them, of tipping points that are sooner than later going to flip the Geo-bio-chemical state of the earth into new states from where there is no return — the creation of new critical areas of instability like the atomization of the societies, that reach the Late mode of development of Western-Modernity — the destabilization of the existing world-order due to the US refusal to accept the implications of the shift of the center of gravity of the economy-world, outside the realm of the Western civilization, which might eventually lead to a 3rd World War that would be fatal to our present societal arrangements and possibly for the survival of our species.


Daily reality and the news about it. Part 3.

Part 3. The Western Enlightenment, concealed the traditional model of knowledge formation

Traditional animist knowledge formation emerged most probably sometime in the millennia preceding the Eamian Interglacial, that lasted from 130,000 to 115,000 years ago. And during the Eamian itself that form of knowledge formation was boosted by the necessity to adapt to an abrupt climate warming. This adaptation initiated the transition to the archetypal model of tribal societies, which launched the process of societal evolution in parallel with the process of biological evolution.


Daily reality and the news about it. Part 2.

Part 2. The emergence of Western exceptionalism and its consequences

Northern Western Europe has inherited Christianity after the fall of the Western Roman empire. During the Early Middle-ages, which spanned from the late 5th to mid 10th century, Christianity got confronted with the cultural values of the Franks and by the 10th century it had reconciled with these values by absorbing them. This fusion procured the specificity that distinguishes Western Christianity from the Orthodoxy of Eastern Christianity to this very day.


Daily reality and the news about it. Part 1.

The present is the outcome of long haul evolutionary processes + the development of their latest structures

With my recent upload of "Societal knowledge formation" I put a stop to more than one full year focusing on the presentation of the key role that knowledge formation has played in the emergence of societal evolution and its further determination in shaping this evolution. And since the upload, of this 3rd volume of the series about “the transition from Western-Modernity to After-Modernity”, I have been eagerly surfing the web for the media’s description, in the present moment, of the unfolding of the shape of our future.