Among other factors perhaps this has something to do with the adolescence of the Western civilization. If this is the case then there is hope that the grandmotherly Chinese civilization could teach some useful lesson in civilizational 'bien-séance' (etiquette, propriety) to that Western impetuous adolescent. But I fear that this adolescent is so poorly educated that she will not even want to listen to what the grand-mother has to say...
The story of our current geopolitical moment is the story of a grandmother who had momentarily lost her composure in the face of a loud, violent, and barbaric teenager. But lately, and totally out of the blue, she miraculously regained her mojo. The child is furious and throws a nervous tantrum, but she can't do much. The grandmother is indeed a wise Daoist scholar who has been playing for a very long time with her yin and her yang and observes what is going on waiting for the right moment to teach this teenage girl a lesson she will never forget.
So what does the grand-mother see presently ?
1. The American geopolitical strategy is a sinking wreck
From the USA perspective Europe must be kept separated from East-Asia :
Solution = creating a large zone of instability between them by keeping the territories of the Tri-Continental-Area, of Russia, and of Central Asia under the governance of failed states that are constantly in local armed conflicts ... - US big capital holders dream of breaking Russia to steal its resources :
In a world short on resources US big capital holders' dream of destroying the Russian state so that they can steal its resources in order to sell them at inflated prices to China...
That strategy enfolded over time :
1.1. 1990-2022 : Nato's expansion East
- George Kennan.
“In late 1996, the impression was allowed, or caused, to become prevalent that it had been somehow and somewhere decided to expand NATO up to Russia's borders. ...something of the highest importance is at stake here.
The view, bluntly stated, is that expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.
Such a decision may be expected to inflame the nationalistic, anti-Western and militaristic tendencies in Russian opinion; to have an adverse effect on the development of Russian democracy; to restore the atmosphere of the cold war to East-West relations, and to impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking. And, last but not least, it might make it much more difficult, if not impossible, to secure the Russian Duma's ratification of the Start II agreement and to achieve further reductions of nuclear weaponry." (1)
- John Mearsheimer
“The West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path & the end result is Ukraine is going to get wrecked.” (2)
1.2. 2007-2020 : Russia communicates its rejection of Nato's enlargement East :
- President Putin's 2007 Munich speech (3)
- Russia's proposal of 2 common security treaties, on 2021-12-17 (4), get brushed aside by the West (5)
Beijing 2022-02-04 : China-Russia statement on the founding principles of the future multilateral world order (6)
1.3. Russia is the back on the wall and it decides to act :
- It first proposed 2 treaties guaranteeing the security of all parties on the European theater. Not being taken seriously by the West Russia decided to act forcefully :
- It recognizes the 2 Dombass Republics and puts a stop to a real genocide that Western media somehow seem forbidden to report. This contrasts with an invented genocide in Xinjiang for which there is not a shred of evidence but that the Western media nevertheless can’t let go.
- It engages in a clean-up operation in Ukraine that focuses on the following :
--- draining nazi forces
--- signing a peace treaty :
--- Ukrainian non-alignment
--- no lethal offensive weaponization by the West
--- new borders
1.4. Drawing the attention of Western decision-makers :
To inform the whole world about the seriousness of the matter President Putin had the following words live on TV for all the world to hear :
2022-02-24 :
“Whoever tries to impede us, let alone create threats for our country and its people, must know that the Russian response will be immediate and lead to the consequences you have never seen in history. All relevant decisions have been taken. I hope you hear me”.
2022-02-27 :
President Putin said that recent sanctions and "aggressive statements" from NATO countries had led him to put the nuclear deterrent forces in a “special regime of combat duty".
2. Western Exceptionalism does not accept that the center of gravity of the economy-world moves to China
In 2015 Nikolai Starikov gave this excellent description of what the USA wants :
"In order to survive and preserve its leading role on international stage, US desperately needs to plunge Eurasia into chaos, to cut economic ties between Europe and APR (Asia-Pacific Region). The States need to turn the territory that lies between them (Russia, Central Asia, Middle East) into a zone with local armed conflicts, falling economies, deficient governments and general instability.
Russia is the only territory within this potential zone of instability that is capable of resistance. It is the only state that is ready to confront the Americans. Undermining Russia’s political will for resistance, shifting its foreign policy – is a vitally important task for America.
The only way to achieve this is to drag the leadership of the country into a long and debilitating stand-off with its own people.
In the long term, the unity of Russian people and their leadership can be broken by providing liberal answers to questions that are important for the apolitical majority.
ms Union-China line. Whether Russia follows the liberal scenario described above, dissolves the way USSR did or willingly plunges into chaos and localized armed conflicts – makes no difference to US. If Russia starts throwing its weight around and using force to assert its own views and interpretations of international rules of co-existence, the US will just as well reach its intended goals. The important expression here is “using force”. That will result in chaos and war in Eurasia, which is all US needs.
...the US plan: economic cooperation between Europe – Russia – TC – China, minimized or neutralized, and the existence between China and Europe of zone of global instability and local wars. " (7)
2.1. The USA wants to destroy Russia
Nikolai Starikov again gave this excellent description that I prefer to leave in his own words :"... The only path to survival for the usa is to demolish russia from within and have her collapse. Either that, or a radical change of power in Russia which would abruptly turn the country’s ship of state around and permit the subsequent chaos and war. This would, in turn, give the States the necessary conditions for breaking the financial and economic channels of interaction in Eurasia and the weakening of both Europe and China, but at the “fault” of the new Russian government.
We are dealing with opposition between the USA and Russia, in which Europe and China play the part of tactical (within certain bounds) allies of the battling sides as they pursue their own goals in the confrontation. Therefore, neither Europe nor China is interested – unlike the USA – in the total destruction of Russia." (8)
2.2. The USA wants to generate chaos in and around China
Groups in Hong-Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, and Taiwan are being beefed-up by the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) to foment trouble in their respective regions (9) in order to destabilize China’s governance. But that is not enough.
The USA wants also to shed chaos in all bordering states that want to engage in commercial relations with China. The riots that engulfed Kazakhstan in January 2022 were such an operation that was meant to install a government opposed to Russia and China that would have cut the New Silk Roads towards the West and Africa. The events in Burma, or Myanmar, are equally meant to cut China from the Indian Ocean and to impeach the construction of the Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone and deep-water port.
2.3. The incompetence of USA decision-makers leads them to their own demise
Richard Wolff | Our System is IMPLODING!
- Political decisions have consequences : Privileging the spending of US resources on the military while neglecting the well-being of its people has resulted in a generalized corruption of the state machinery and also sickened the USA as a nation. This was the achievement of political decisions. Things could have been different...
- Extreme inequality weakened the cohesion of US society. Anger and violence became rampant over the entire territory.
- Extreme poverty decayed the societal entity. Average life expectancy, for example, fell by 3 years between 2020 and 2021 (from 79 years in 2019 to 76 years in 2021) which is a demographic fall of life expectancy similar in its intensity to what happened in 1991 after the fall of the USSR ! This could be suggesting that the collapse of the USA has already set in !
- Hyper-individualism and societal atomization broke the unity of the US as a national entity and the nation has become incapable of any large undertaking like a war, or the re-localization of production capacities, or anything else. This is the deep reason why the 3 letter agencies are so intensively recourcing to virtual reality and wokeness to foment a profound chaos that destabilizes the minds of those citizens who still have a faculty to think.
Using the US legal system as a long arm to expand its national jurisdiction around the world is not only illegal internationally it is also provoking a wide opposition worldwide that will eventually conclude in the complete rejection of the US authority in world affairs
"Washington has backed Putin into a corner, forcing him to take drastic measures to protect Russian minorities in Ukraine. That in turn forced Europe’s leaders into Washington’s camp, and within 48 hours, the European discourse has shifted away from economic cooperation with Russia to a possible boycott of Russian gas.
Putin will sell the gas to China, which last month proposed to construct a pipeline that would increase Russia’s deliveries tenfold. More importantly, Russia’s considerable scientific and engineering resources—by some measure on par with those of the United States—will be put in the service of China’s high-tech industry.
... the West has pushed Putin into an alliance with China. It is perhaps the dumbest thing the Western powers have ever done. It could be the last." (10)
3. What is China's position in this big game ?
From a Russian perspective :
"China in this quadrilateral (usa-europe-russia-china) is our natural and situational ally in its own opposition to the collective West. After all, today it is becoming a competitor to China in the economic as well as the political sphere. Any kind of strengthening of Russia will automatically result in a weakening of the West as a competitor to China. Therefore, so long as China can trust that it will no longer have to run up against Khrushchev-Gorbachev-Yeltsin-type “wiggly” unpredictable policies from Moscow, we can count on the economic and political support of China." (11)
What unites Russia and China is the perception that Western exceptionalism has zero tolerance for "the other" who looks different, thinks differently, and does things differently. And more importantly the West refuses to accept that "the other" could possibly beat it at its own game the Chinese are doing economically and the Russian are doing militarily.
It is also important for the rest of the world to come to terms with the fact that China is a country-civilization whose history goes back well over 5,000 years. Contrary to most of the rest of the world its worldview is animistic which means that its foundational story is rooted in pragmatism and as such it has little patience for ideologies.
Because it views the life of its nation, and of its citizens, from a very long haul perspective China appears, in the eyes of Westerners, to have an infinite patience. In reality Chinese minds are calculating the best long term outcome for their nation and in the present context that means :
- how to ensure that the country's governance systems answer the peoples' needs
- how to protect the country against the outside
- how to ensure the country's technological sufficiency
- how to ensure the country's supply of resources
- how to ensure a friction-less and low cost international money transfer system
- how to ensure that its society is sustainable inside its natural habitat
Having been sandwiched, in a Geo-Political strategy that primarily concerns a Western initiative to break-up China, it goes without saying that China is not going to let Russia down. At a point of its own choosing China will practice one of its well honed Taiji skills that will floor the Western adolescent leaving her humiliated in the eyes of the whole world.
"Russia dreamed of creating a new world order, but it was U.S. adventurism that has driven the world into an entirely new order – one that looks to be dominated by China as the default winner now that the European economy is essentially torn apart and America is left with what it has grabbed from Russia and Afghanistan, but without the ability to gain future support.
And everything that I have written above may already be obsolete as Russia and the U.S. have gone on atomic alert. My only hope is that Putin and Biden can agree that if Russia hydrogen bombs Britain and Brussels, that there will be a devil’s (not gentleman’s) agreement not to bomb each other." (12).
4. Don't be fooled by the virtual reality that is thrown at you by the West
Never in history have Western media so totally abdicated, their mission to inform their populations, to the powers that be than in the present Ukrainian story. The narrative that is being spewed out nowadays is completely detached from reality. The target of Western propagandists is to overwhelm the minds, of those few Westerners who still have the capacity to think straight, with an overwhelming information-chaos in order to annihilate their individual sanity. But why would the powers that be want something like that ?
The fact is that only very few Western individuals are still having the capacity to understand what is going on in the world around them. These are the few remaining opinion-leaders and the powers that be try at all cost to overwhelm their minds so that those opinion-leaders fall into a depression. The big game they are after is a "Game over" solution ! Don't let them depress you.
To keep your sanity stay away from Western mainstream media.
Within a few weeks the Russians will open the borders of Ukraine, for all the world to appreciate, what a difference it makes between a Russian clean-up and a Western carpet bombing.
Notes :
1. "A Fateful Error", NYT. Feb. 5, 1997. by George F. Kennan.
2. John J. Mearsheimer, R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the U. of Chicago,
3. President Putin's 2007 Munich speech
4. Text of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mr. Sergey Lavrov`s written message on Indivisibility of Security addressed to the Heads of Foreign / External Affairs Ministers / Secretaries of the US, Canada and several European countries .
5. "Russia’s Proposed New European Security Treaty: A Non-Starter for the U.S. and Europe", The Heritage Foundation, by Sally McNamara . 2010-09-16.
6. China-Russia statement on the principles founding the future world order ; see my article "Geopolitics was shaken to the core this 4th of February !".
7. " Western Financial System Is Driving It to War" Nikolai Starikov. Mar 12 2015
8. " Western Financial System Is Driving It to War" Nikolai Starikov. Mar 12 2015
9. Brian Berletic is a former US marine who is based in Bangkok-Thailand from where he diffuses his excellent program "
10. "Biden throws Putin into Xi’s briar patch", Asia-Times, by david goldman. 2022 -02-24
11. " Western Financial System Is Driving It to War" Nikolai Starikov. Mar 12 2015
12. "America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century", by Michael Hudson. 2022-02-28.
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