
Is the Western paper-tiger on the verge of immolating itself ?

Never have I witnessed such a Western propagandist rage than around the question of Russia's military operation in Ukraine. It's nothing short of sickening and it begs the question "How on earth can otherwise reasonable people act and talk so far out of their normal selves ?". And where do they find the guts to shout in the face of the world that they are "the world community". Zhao Lizhang, the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, did not miss sticking the map of their "world community" under their noses:
And don't come shouting at me that Russia's actions are inadmissible. During the last 20 years the USA was directly responsible for the death of "Up to Six Million People" in the name of its war on terror... Where was the rage of Western reporters and of Western citizens then ? Clinton’s war on Serbia furthermore opened the Pandora’s box of war in Europe. The West should remember Serbia, for it is high time, to stop the hypocrisy !

Having said that, I'm sick and tired of power and propaganda, I want to address the question that most people on this earth have on their minds : "What is the big picture of what is going on today ?". Well it's not complicated you know....

1. The West tries to Break-up Russia in order to be the sole tiger on top of the mountain.

In "A Chinese-Russian Christmas tale ?" I addressed the written proposal by Russia of 2 treaties with the West and its warning that, if the West refused to recognize Russia's security needs, it would recourse to technical and military means to obtain satisfaction. 

In "Humanity's fate will most probably be decided in this first quarter of 2022" I laid-out the big lines of the present Geo-Political situation which is reaching a moment of reckoning. What I meant is that necessity is the mother of all invention and necessity is now stirring things up in order to force the death of the world we have known over the last 70 year so that a new world can finally rise. 

In "Geopolitics was shaken to the core this 4th of February !" I addressed the Geo-Political manifesto published by China and Russia at the address of the rest of the world.

This manifesto shows that the present world-order is no longer functional :
  • The West has become institutionally inoperative

  • The center of gravity of the economy-world has shifted to East-Asia with Beijing becoming the new commanding center of the nervous system of the economy-world.

  • The people of East-Asia are generally optimistic about their future and the region is effectively transforming year by year into a powerful 'regional economic bloc' which will soon represent 50% of the economic output of the world (33% today). In contrast Western people are undergoing a serious nervous breakdown and nobody knows if they ever will be able to recover from the treasonous behaviors of their elites.
This manifesto then addresses the necessity to replace the present unilateral world order by a new multi-polar order that is rooted in : 
  1. The will of the people as the sole criterion of the principle of democracy 

  2. The sovereignty, equality and security of all nations is the necessary foundation of a new multilateral order that seeks to exclude the hegemony and domination through force by the strongest. Only the institutions of such a new world order would have the legitimate power to use force against one its members while it would be illegal and punishable for one member, or a coalition of members, to use force against another member. 

  3. In the current context, the UN is the sole institution recognized by all nations and in this sense the decisions of the UN form the only legal platform binding all nations. The nations on this earth should try to reform the UN in order to adapt it to the new realities . But if the West does not desist wanting to impose its own rule of law on the others than the fact is that the others, who represent nearly 90% of the world population, will soon want to start building a new multilateral world order without the participation of the West...

2. The West prepares to unleash a reign of terror to break the path to multilaterism

Sensing that it is losing the plot the West gets mad and unhinged. Many Western citizens feel disturbed by the barbarity that transpires in the language of Western heads of state and of their diplomats. And this malaise is furthermore compounded by the incomprehension of the whole Geo-Political situation. But it seems that chaos and incomprehension is just what Western decision makers want in the hope of escaping the scrutiny, of the sheer immorality of their actions, by their citizens. Because immorality is indeed the right word to qualify the actions of Western decision-makers in the present circumstances.

In "Separating Europe from China in the hope of remaining forever the sole Tiger on the mountain" I showed that the Chinese civilization is the grandmother of all civilizations. And the grand-mother observes that the following is occurring in the Geo-Political order :
  1. The American geopolitical strategy is a sinking wreck :

    • Nato's expansion up to Russia's borders is responsible for pushing Russia to take its security in its own hands . This was forecast since the nineteen-ninetieths among other by George Kennan and John Mearsheimer

    • Russia communicated multiple times its rejection of Nato's enlargement East

    • Russia was the back on the wall and it decided to act . It first proposed 2 treaties guaranteeing the security of all parties on the European theater. Not being taken seriously by the West Russia decided to act forcefully by recognizes the 2 Dombass Republics and the stopping a real genocide that Western media somehow seem forbidden to report. Once there it engaged in a clean-up operation that focuses on the following : — destroying the Ukrainian army's infrastructure — draining nazi forces — signing a peace treaty on its term.

  2. Western Exceptionalism does not accept that the center of gravity of the economy-world moves to China :

    • To survive and preserve its leading role on the international stage the US desperately feels the need to plunge Eurasia into chaos, to cut economic ties between Europe and China. In light of this Russia is the elephant in the room and its legs have to be broken...

    • The USA wants to shed chaos in all states bordering China that want to engage in commercial relations with it

In "Deal with it : Dualism drives the thinking of Western minds " I wrote that :
  • The subconscious of Westerners is driven by a dualist absolutism that forces them to believe that "the other", because of her or his "otherness" has to convert to the good Western ways and if "the idiot" refuses Westerners believe that it is their moral obligation to destroy her or him. Watch the present craze against Russia...
  •   The contrast could not be starker with the Chinese understanding that reality is animated by complementary polarities that are in a constant dance of accommodation while the contact between these polarities results in sparks of energy that power their flow in space and time. The Chinese view of the world is so "otherworldly" in Western eyes that they constantly miss what are the real intentions of the Chinese and this results in the fatality of constantly being faced with unexpected economic, technological, Geo-Political realities... I explained the origins and the mechanisms of the Western incomprehension of the "other-worldliness" of the Chinese, and vice-versa, in the 700 pages of "The Continuum of the Cultural Field"
  • After financing Muslim terrorism the CIA is now financing white-supremacy while accusing Russia of being the instigator ! Good versus evil is the prime expression of Western dualism. Dualism is the master axiom of the Western civilization. Everything else is deriving from dualism. and so we are faced with an incoming new wave of terrorism...
  • White-supremacy is the extreme-right political wing of Western exceptionalism and it is being mobilized to execute the dirty job that its exceptionalist masters will order soon. First it has been announced that some 20,000 white supremacists are on their way to fight the Russians in Ukraine in exchange for a monthly stipend that I read somewhere (sorry I forgot to bookmark) would reach 50,000 US dollars a month. At that rate the budget to finance the operation would reach 1,000,000,000 US/month ! Who can finance such a sum other than a US 3 letter agency ?

In "Is the West taking an existential risk to remain the sole tiger on top of the mountain ?" I mentioned, in reaction to many in the alternative media, that :
"you have to be completely deluded if you really believe that the West is crazy enough to want to commit suicide or that it is so incompetently governed that bla bla bla ".
By this I meant to say that what appears, as today's Western sheer craziness, is part of a US plan to later impose itself, as a new more brutal still world hegemon, over a world that in the meantime will have radically changed. And I concluded that :
"to willingly take such an existential risk Western big capital holders must think that they have already lost at their own game and so what appears as an existential risk is merely a last gamble of Western big capital holders to keep their hegemony over the world". 
I explained what is this last gamble of Western big capital holders in "A First Blow to Late-Modernity". Part 4. The virus is the pin that deflates the bubble of everything. 4.1.3. The gamble of Western big capital holders.

3. The facts on the ground

  1. The old Geo-Political game was reaching old age and Russia publicly released proposals for a new Russia-NATO/ West security architecture in Eastern Europe

  2. The West laughed Russia's proposals away as if they were Russian grand-standing

  3. As warned, in case the West did not recognize the urgency to satisfy Russia's need for security, Russia entered in Ukraine to execute the following :

    • Demolition of the installations that Nato and the USA were building in Ukraine to threaten or to attack Russia

    • Establishing a new security architecture (borders) by force that will protect Russia's Western flank

    • What remains unclear is what Russia will want to do with the new diminished Ukraine and how it will secure the application of the agreement with partners that are known to be "not contract able"

  4. The USA has dragged Europe in a blitzkrieg of sanctions against Russia :

    • These sanctions are intended to destroy the Russian state and to break the cohesion of the Russian nation.

    • If the West succeeds it will then control Russia's resources and will let China starve... but this is something that the Chinese will want to remain indefinitely at the stage of a Western pipe-dream and they will do everything that is necessary for this to effectively remain a pipe-dream.

    • What is evident is that the sanctions are blowing back :

      • The weaponization of the dollar shows to other nations that they can no longer count on a neutral US Dollar as a world reserve currency and so some countries start to put in place new monetary solutions...

      • Sanctioning the export of Russia's resources forces Russia to answer by cutting the export of some of its strategic resources (energy, fertilizers, special metals, strategic parts or components,...) to enemy countries whose economies will thus inevitably be strangled... Paradoxically it is Europe that will get strangled first while rendeing Western European nations captive of the USA. Smart hey !

      •   Sanctions are inevitably hurting Russia. China will come to the rescue. But China is not a charity and so its rescuing of Russia will render Russia captive of China.

    • In conclusion the Geo-Political fight that we observe, between the West and Russia, is merely an introduction to the Geo-Political master-piece which is the competition between two blocks led on one side by a very weak USA and on the other side by a confident, very cohesive, and hungry China.

4. The ongoing military conflict will end with one of the following two possibilities

  1. or the USA ruins Russia plunging the world in the greatest of all depressions which rapidly unfolds in a 3rd world war that China loses some 5 to 10 years later because of a failure to procure the necessary volumes of fossil fuels to power both its industrial base and its war effort. After such an unlikely feat the USA could expand its hegemony over the whole world but a world that would have greatly changed... 

  2. or the USA and Europe rapidly fall in the greatest depression ever while Russia and China succeed to stabilize their economies in which case they will launch the conception and the building of a new Multilateral world-order whose security will be guaranteed by the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" or SCO. After such a more likely feat the world would discover that "the great convergence of Late-Modernity" is destabilizing all human complex systems... 

Seen that this article is already 2264 words long, and that this part 5 will necessitate quite a long argumentation, I decided to address it in a full blown article to be published in the next few days.

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