The ebook "The Great Turning” is online.
The Great Turning (08)
7. Western resistance to the shift of the center of gravity of the economy-world to East-Asia
Is the Western paper-tiger on the verge of immolating itself ?
China will be instrumental in solving Europe's security and some more.
The USA was powerless to prevent Russia from acting in Ukraine to guarantee its security. And its adventurism, in the face of its loss of hegemony, excludes the possibility that the USA could ever be part of a solution to Europe's security problem. To have any security at all Europe will, one day, be forced to recognize the fact that the grand-mother of all civilizations is the sole impartial mediator that has the necessary wisdom to possibly avoid a Europe-wide conflict by guiding the parties directly concerned to a solution that is acceptable to all.
The ebook "First societal blow in Late-Modernity" is online
I formatted the series of articles titled "First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity" in e-book form and made it available from my website.
This series has become a long text. The 2nd edition of the book totals 599 pages.
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (20)
7.4.6. giving meaning to one’s life polarities are powering changes and transformations that open the doors to the universal potential living species are the embodiment of life Non-submission to the foundations of life results in the species’ extinction the settlement of disputes, between their polarities, leads species toward more complexity the loop from the whole to the local and back to the whole the true meaning of life a new credo in After-Modernity
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (19) the transition a creative life style
7.4.4. cheering life through pragmatism pragmatism in knowledge pragmatism in living pragmatism in societal organization
Content of Part 7.4.
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (14)
Part 6. The paradox of humanity’s predicament
6.1. Modernity, is the greatest achievement of humanity but it fosters life extinction
6.2. the shift in the governance-world leads to uncertainties
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (13)
5. A gradual shift from a Western to an Eastern model of society
5.3. Covid-19 is a first fatal blow to Late-Modernity
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (6)
Part 4. The virus is the pin that deflated the bubble of everything
“ In less than three decades, a mere blink of the eye in historical terms, the United States has gone from the world’s sole superpower to a massive foundering wreck that is helpless before the coronavirus and intent on blaming the rest of the world for its own shortcomings. … But how and why did this pitiable condition come about? Is it all Donald Trump’s fault as so many now assume? Or did the process begin earlier?
The answer for any serious student of imperial politics is the latter. ... two things are clear. One is that the process did not start under Trump, while the other is that it will undoubtedly continue regardless of who wins in November. Once collapse sets in, it’s impossible to stop.” (1)
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (5)
Part 3. an unquestionable qualitative difference
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (3)
Part 1. Western propaganda distorts reality
- the Late-Modern governance-world is undergoing a shift of its center of gravity from the West to the East (1)
- the side-effects of Modernity are increasingly becoming a threat to life on earth
The spectacle of a Western break-down
I now share this response on my blog because "The China Law Blog" censured it while in no way does it peddle fake-news, nor does it attack individuals, nor does it use foul language. It conveys an analytical sketch of the present moment in history. In other words refusing to publish it was a blatant act of censuring free speech. A screenshot of freedom made in the USA...
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (1)
The CoronaVirus outbreak that occurred in China in the beginning of January soon locked me down in Beijing and this eliminated the brouhaha of society that helped me to focus on the technicalities of digital imaging.
The seven trends that will define China in the 2020s
This is a summary and a commentary on a very interesting article by Andrew Leung titled "The seven trends that will define China in the 2020s " that was published today 2020-01-04 in the South China Morning Post.
What’s going on here? (14)

Everyone can find meaning in life by concentrating on perfection in the execution of one’s activities or in sharing the love of a family or of a community of friends. But does this appease our existential questions ? Does it help us find solace in our societal arrangement ? Or more generally is this satisfying all the demands of the mind ?
What’s going on here ? (13)
“ the total power of the ‘body’s processing machine’1 is bound to remain hidden forever from our thinking mind “
- “ the difficulty to master the process of conscious reconciliation of the subconscious experience is an intrinsic limitation to the formation of knowledge “
This post addresses the following:
What’s going on here ? (10)
“ The situation we are in –in terms of what receives attention and prominence– is post-art. At this time, and in social space, art is basically an adjunct of the entertainment business. … The issue is how to snap art out of its death trance –living its own death, so to speak– and make it once again a living and lived experience.” 1.
What’s going on here ? (8)
The day, when international transactions will be paid for with a new world currency, will be recognized in history as the day a new multilateral world order will have succeeded to bury the short uni-polar reign of the American empire. This new multilateral world order will have East-Asia as its core and Beijing will act as its center of gravity.
4.3. Western Modernity is out, what comes next ?
Organic art = the patterns of life (4)
For the last 40 years I had the great chance of being a close witness of the Chinese story and I observed that to ensure the survival of their nation the Chinese, in a first move, largely copied Western Modernity.
With the benefit of hindsight it becomes evident that a second move down the road will enable them to walk their own national way into the future. There is no better guide than the artworld to understand how the country is generating its own way by forcing the integration of Modernity inside Chinese Traditional Culture.
And so under the sheer weight of population numbers China is quietly shedding Modernity’s old Western skin...