
What is it with Postmodernism that irks in the "intellectual" narrative?

Visualizing something that our eyes can't see.... 
With science the first action, in visualization, is no longer going from the eyes to the brain as earlier. Now the action comes first from an abstraction imagined by the mind, or by a piece of software. That abstraction first transits through a digital rendering and then it reaches the eyes. All this is done in order to make things better understandable... For sure visualization is always a question of service at the attention of the brain in the last instance. 
I guess that in the long future our eyes will learn to see with the brain and automatically detect patterns and meaning where we saw none earlier. This new visualization trend could be a sign that we are on the verge of a human mutation without precedent... at least if the human genie has not succeeded to extinguish the human race before that. 
But let's be clear this has already unlocked 2 sets of fundamental and, should I say, inescapable implications for the visual arts: 
  1.  in light of this dramatic revolution in the act of seeing there is just no way any longer that representations of what our eyes see directly could still be accepted as art. (portraits, landscapes, stills,...) Such representations are indeed based on a mode of perception that reigned in the past and as such they are no longer artistically significant. At best such representations are crafts for interior decoration. 

  2. in light, on the one hand, of the inversion of the action of visualization from the brain to the eyes that has been unlocked by science recently which, on another hand, also happens in a globalizing environment where the philosophies and ways of understanding reality by the majority of the people on this earth will displace whitemen's dualism... well, in light of all that, visual arts are definitely entering a time of mutation... 
All those signs are signals that indicate a coming mutation of the worldview shared by the whole of humanity that also implies a mutation of the content of the visual arts. 
Visual arts act like light-posts unveiling, for those who are curious and observing, a first draft of a sketch of what Postmodernity is all about. But please let's remember that Postmodernity comes after the societal completion of the expansion of modernity to the 4 corners of the world... anything less would be akin to a dumbing down of what Postmodernity is all about. But the fact is that the intellectual narrative about Postmodernity did just that. It dumbed down Postmodernity to a story of the evolution of modernity in the West. And that is what irks in the intellectual narrative. 
Actualization on 2021-05-21
In 2013 I decided to leave the concepts "postmodernism" and "Postmodernity" to the critical theorists. Since then I'm using the concept "After-Modernity". See my series titled "From Modernity to After-Modernity"...
The revolution I'm writing about here, in terms of the content of visual-arts, is the subject of my book Artsense that was published in 2003. In 2019 I expanded my thinking on the subject with the publication of the "Organic Art Manifesto"


Crucial Talk: Table of content

Browse the 164 most important posts in Crucial Talk's table of content.

The second stage of my ARTSENSE adventure, "The way things are", shall also be published on Laodan's blog and on my Saatchi blog.

My daily clippings of what I find of interest in the media and on the net are posted on my new blog with StumbleUpon.

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Publication of Crucial talk's "adapted" content into a book: ARTSENSE.

modern art works

I'm now, entering a new phase of my work, preparing for the writing of "The way things are" or "About the emergence of a postmodern realism".

I shall be publishing the first drafts in the form of posts on this blog and other web venues.

If interested to follow my postings please subscribe to the RSS or Atom feed of this blog.

What is ARTSENSE about?

ARTSENSE is an adventure of mine that started beginning of 2004. It includes a collection of some 50 acrylic paintings, 600 digital variations and 2 books!

ARTSENSE is also the title of the first of those 2 books that gives a summary of my ideas about reality about the societal functionality of visual arts throughout history and of my understanding of the changes that are setting our present-day globalizing world on the road of the future.

Crucial Talk is a tool that I used to bring online the first drafts of the material that I would later use in assembling ARTSENSE. I'm now, entering a new phase, preparing for the writing of a new work "The way things are" or "About the emergence of a postmodern new realism".

Where to find ARTSENSE?

Check here for the best pricing of Artsense
or go directly to Amazon

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Societal atomization

Here is an article that comes somehow to the same conclusions that I express in this blog and also in my book Artsense (see top left and click on the coverpage).
Late modernity ends in atomization. The individuals believe that they have the truth about everything and real knowledge is thus relativized. In other words that better reflect my own presentation the views and visions of the men of knowledge being not any longer privileged by the men of power they don't any longer secure the diffusion of the ideas of the men of knowledge at the attention of all and the men of knowledge thus find themselves in competition with all sorts of charlatans...
I share this vision with the authors of the article that follows but we diverge on two fundamental points.
- One on the "human way". I do not consider indeed that religion is the only historical, nor valid, form of societal cohesion building (worldview). I also do not consider that the glueing of the individuals into a societal form has anything to do with believing in objective truths. It is all dependant on the knowledge available at any given time.
- Two on the evolution of human knowledge leading to the emergence of new worldviews. This aspect of societal reality is totally absent from the presentation of those authors and religion is thus the only belief system that they can imagine about... people are lost into atomization because religion has been relegated to the dustbin of history by liberalism and in consequence fundamentalism is rising as a militant reaction against liberalism. But what about the possibility that the relegation of religion to the dustbin of history could eventually be followed by the emergence of a new worldview? No sign of this possibility in this article...
Notwithstanding those short-comings I suggest you read the following article, for, it is one of the best presentations I have had the chance to read on:
- the linkage between religion and the formation and conservation of state power...
- the rejection of the existing religious worldview and the following relativization of knowledge that led Western societies to atomize.
Writing one is sometimes led to doubt but when discovering that others share some of your thoughts you are somehow encouraged... that's exactly what happened for me with this article.

in the IHT by Phillip Blond and Adrian Pabst :
""" Confined to the personal sphere, religion is deprived of civic engagement that would mitigate fanaticism and foster moderation, and faith answers to no authority other than subjective inner conscience.
- The trouble is that once liberalism has surrendered any belief in objective truths, all personal subjective beliefs become true. Once all things are equally valid, the only way to attain supremacy is through war and power. Thus does liberalism make fundamentalists out of us all.
- By denying religion any public import, this hitherto shared realm became drained of any objective moral beliefs. Society was atomized and culture surrendered to relativism. """

URL: The twisted religion of Blair and Bush

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The road of humanity, worldviews and visual arts

Before jumping to the description of civilizations and culture, I guess that a summary of the thoughts presented earlier would be usefull.

1. The road of humanity.

This model is based on the "Wave theory" by Dr. Chaim H. Tejman

2. Worldviews.
We know from history that humanity went through 3 successive worldviews:
- animism: it lasted for tens of thousands and perhaps as long as hundred of thousands of years and ended with agriculture that developed as an indirect consequence of the last climate cahnge some 11,000 B.C.
- religions: were used and imposed as psychic glues to unify the individuals within the territory of the early kingdoms and empires starting approximately 3,000 B.C.
- modernity: is the system of thought based on individualism and private property that grew in Western European Christian lands as an direct consequence of the discovery of luxuries during the crusades and later discoveries.
- post-modernity: the sheer speed of scientific discoveries around the year 2000 and globalization that develops in parallel, plus the side-effects of modernity, those 3 factors are shaping a radically new approach towards reality from which a new post-modern worldview is emerging that will eventually be shared in the future by all on this earth.

3. Visual arts.
Worldviews glued the individuals within the boundaries of their societies. They were shaped in the minds of the "men of knowledge": shaman under animism, priests and monks under religions and aristocracy and new rich under early modernity. Visual sight having developed since tens of thousands of years, as humans' first and foremost sense, visual images were the best vehicle for transmitting the worldviews of the men of knowledge at the attention of their contemporaries. The production of such visual images is what has been referred to as art since the Renaissance (early modernity).
With a mature modernity the worldview of the men of knowledge of the day, the scientists, disconnected gradually from "the road of humanity". One of the direct consequences of this disconnect was for artists to be freed from the representation of imposed signs and they thus gained the freedom to represent what they want on their canvasses but by late modernity they had lost themselves in "whatever" is art...

In my next post about civilizations I'll try to sketch how the disconnect between knowledge and society at large occured.

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