
What’s going on here ? (9)

4. determinant side-effects of Modernity

From a very long haul perspective the present re-balancing of world affairs appears as the rebuilding of the governance-world in the wake of a category 5 economic hurricane that swept the whole world of its postmodern pipe-dream fantasies. In contrast in the aftermath of the great convergence of all the side-effects of Modernity there is a very high probability that nothing will be left to rebuild. In the most innocuous of all possible scenarios only a small number of humans will survive who eventually will be forced to start a new cycle of “societal evolution in order to survive.

I concluded chapter 3 by writing that the re-balancing of the governance-world will most probably be imposed by the reset of national economies as they come out of a worldwide greater depression that we can already perceive swirling on the horizon. Those countries that will be pushed over by the hurricane will be crawling on the ground unable to stand up while those that successfully resist the hurricane, standing tall on their feet, will be the definitive builders of the historical era that follows Modernity.

The winners will rebuild the world. And against all odds the winners will be, a bunch of what are nowadays commonly called, developing countries. The greater depression will shake them. No doubt about that. But the lower level of complexity of their societal systems renders them less fragile than Western, or Northern nations and so their more sturdy structures will resist this category 6 economic hurricane. Once the furry has passed they will still be standing on their feet and they will be ready to rebuild the human world at the image of their traditional worldview. What is already a certainty at this point is that this new world will be far different from Western Modernity and the rampaging reason at work within capital that is the engine of its Modernity.

But the convergence of the multiple side-effects of Modernity will complicate, to say the least, this reset of the governance-world.

As I see it each side-effect taken on its own, over time, has the potential to destroy life on earth but their individual unfolding is bound to span over long time-frames which gives humanity the wherewithal to counter each one of them separately. Once all these side-effects converge, within a common time-frame, they will operate in concert and will inevitably interact upon one another. This will unleash feedback loops that will increase exponentially the unfolding speed of each of them and their damaging effects will render them utterly unpredictable.

Sensitive and conscious individuals are presently witnessing this extraordinary unfolding of a convergence of the multitude of side-effects that are directly resulting from the activities of our human species as it is lost in the mental plane of Modernity.

4.1. multiple side-effects of Modernity

Life emerges as a chemical process based on carbon molecules and that chemistry needs water and energy to prosper. Life materializes in the form of a great multitude of species that emerge and eventually go extinct. This means that life can only thrive when a particular set of conditions are present on a given celestial body and each species then furthermore thrives within its own particular set of parameters that are proper to the contextual setting of that particular celestial body.

Species live within a highly complex set of interacting parameters and this means that these parameters have to be kept in a state of balance within a narrow band of variations. Take human life, for example, it thrives within a certain bandwidth of temperature and humidity. This bandwidth is limited by top and bottom livability thresholds that, for the top threshold, are expressed as ‘wet-bulb temperature’ which is the limit that the human body can resist in term of temperature and humidity.

Biologists estimate that around 99 percent of all species that ever existed on earth are now extinct. The extinction of a species can occur for a variety of reasons. There is nevertheless a constant. When the balance between the highly complex set of interacting parameters, in which a species lives, is gravely disturbed the species goes rapidly extinct. Such an imbalance may originate from diverse causes : comet crashing on earth (ending of Younger Dryas some 12,000 Years ago1), super-volcano (the Toba super-volcano erupted about 75,000 years ago at present-day Lake Toba in Sumatra2), human induced changes (anthropocene3), … But the important thing to remember is that the extinction of a species is always caused by a prolonged and profound imbalance of the highly complex set of interacting parameters in which it lives.

The fact is that all the side-effects of Modernity have the potential to cause such a prolonged and profound imbalance of the highly complex set of interacting parameters of most species on earth; including the human species. Knowing this is important because it allows a species to act responsibly. The ancients knew. That’s why they handled their affairs in respect of “the precautionary principle” or in Black Elk’s words4 anything new had to be tested and retested so that it would “not inflict any harm on the following 7 generations”.

Modernity forgot about “the precautionary principle”. The reason, that is at work within capital, has indeed no patience for anything that disrupts the generation of profits. The reason is not concerned by life. It is concerned exclusively by capital. Unfortunately humans started to venerate the reason and in the process they forgot about “the precautionary principle”. Today in Late-Modernity we discover the consequences.

I don’t plan to give an exhaustive exposition of each of Modernity’s side-effects. Multiple scientific studies are being published daily on the subject and some of them are relayed in the mass media. Instead I plan to give a rapid overview of those effects that have the most damaging impact on the principle of life on earth.

4.1.1. societal atomization

In Part 3, determinant factors driving the ‘governance-world’I described how the urge of big capital holders’ to generate always more profits forced their servants, the intellectuals and the political decision makers, to devise strategies to maximize the attraction of the population toward consumerism :
  • in an initial step farmers were asked to quit their land to go work in factories. Along the way they lost their self-sufficiency and were forced into consumerism
  • advertisement techniques were then devised to push in the minds notions of individualism which resulted in ever more consumption
  • postmodernism furthermore detached the individuals from grand narratives (religion, trade unions, political utopias,… ) and channeled individual energies and curiosity into a culture of ‘the permanent spectacle’
  • the web and social media integrated the individual as an actor in the spectacle. Virtuality rapidly replaced reality.

These strategies were devised as a way to separate the individuals from their churches, temples, trade-unions and also to separate them from one another. The separation of the individuals was attained by weakening their bonds to the others. Separated individuals are entirely freed from any distraction so that their minds (individualism, self, desires,...) can be focused entirely on consumerism. In the meantime they shut up and work to collect the money that is necessary to pay for their consumption.

Virtuality is, as a matter of fact, the pinnacle of consumerism. The individual is hooked to virtual reality. He pays money for any minute he lives in it or he agrees that the platforms steal his personal information. And to satisfy his dependence he works, or does whatever, to procure him the necessary money. What a contrast with the time he was self-sufficient and did not need any money at all.

It appears that the different economic stages, or revolutions within the era of Modernity (1st: merchant, 2nd: industrial, 3rd: informational, 4th: Artificial intelligence), resulted in an ever deeper separation of the individuals that plunged them into an ever deeper dependence on the offers available on the market. From an economic perspective humans started in self-sufficiency at the start of Modernity and are reaching Late-Modernity being hooked to market offers.

Self-sufficiency is economic freedom while being hooked is economic dependence. But there was even worse on the way to dependence than to lose one’s economic freedom.

This whole process of separation in order to force the focus on consumerism was accompanied by an ever deeper alienation that pushed the individuals to withdraw inside themselves. At the end of their withdrawal they were trapped into loneliness and a feeling of despair set in that fermented into anger against what is being perceived as an inhumane society. The toxicity of this brew is best observed on social media but it slowly pervades the whole social realm of societies.

Loneliness in the virtual reality of social media expresses itself in utter narcissism and a ‘know it all’ attitude rejecting anything else that might be suggested. Most often the contained anger against the inhumane society explodes into verbal violence against anyone expressing a different opinion. Respect, for knowledge and for craft, is gone. The separation is complete. Solidarity in collective action has vanished and the common man has lost control over his destiny.

Back in 2006, during a New York Times interview with Ben Stein, Warren Buffett admitted that :

There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning”.5

But big capital holders know better. They know that anger is the last link in the chain of causality that fostered this societal atomization. Outside of the 1%, that is made up of big capital holders and their servants, each individual is possessed in varying degrees by that anger against the inhumane society. This anger is what nourishes the scare and anxiety of big capital holders and their servants.

Anger does not lead to positivity. Anger leads to violence and destruction. Anger is what motivated American workers to vote for candidate Trump in 2016. They saw him as a cocktail Molotov and they wanted him to detonate in the midst of the establishment. It was not a rational attitude but seeing the resulting trouble in the minds of the masters procured a profound satisfaction. The same can be said of Brexit, of the Yellow Vests, and other coming uprisings.

Societal atomization is uncontrollable. The grand narratives, that are necessary to glue the individual particles in a cohesive whole, have been destroyed by the servants of big capital holders when they forced postmodernism in the face of their societies. Societal atomization acts like a cancer that relentlessly eats away the substance of Western societies and in the process they lose their vital impulse. They are now solely rolling further under the power of their inertia. Sometime next they’ll stop moving and soon after that they’ll collapse freeing the level playing field to a fundamental reset of social relations. Unfortunately this social reset will be costly in lives... 

Societal atomization is the most potent of all self inflicted scourges that are maturing in the age of Late-Modernity. Russia was the first country to react by encouraging the revival of the Christian Orthodoxy. In the 2000th Young Chinese started to show a strong willingness to go back to their roots and after 2010 the state enthusiastically followed them by promoting Chinese Traditional Culture. To counter the danger of societal atomization Russia and China are focusing on the sharing by their citizens of their nation’s traditional worldview. This glues the minds of their citizens in a common understanding of the working of reality which boost the cohesiveness of their society.

This conscious and calculated enhancement of the cohesion of their societies, by Russia and China in this early 21th century, is the most promising of all societal actions in our very dark Late-Modern age. This stands in stark contrast to the societal reality of atomized western societies that are solely powered further down the road by the force of their inertia.

Even if Western decision makers were suddenly enlightened, by the societal necessity of a shared worldview, they would discover that their traditions have been so utterly broken down that they are no longer of any use in attracting the minds of their citizens. Reconnecting societally with a worldview works as long as the traditional worldview has not lost its power of attraction. Postmodernism has unquestionably driven large majorities of European and US citizens in a mental state that is hostile to Western Christianity. This hostility leaves no space for a reconciliation within the coming decisive decades of re-balancing of the governance-world.

At the present moment of Late-Modernity we are indeed observing a readjustment of the governance-world and what stands out is the following:
  1. the unraveling of the uni-polar moment of the US empire is taking place in the context of Western atomized societies that are completely unglued socially and thus incapable of any significant national sacrifice in whatever direction one might want to look : or industrial, technological, and AI competition or military conflict
  2. the competition of multiple poles in the design of a new multi-polar architecture of the governance-world in which its major sponsors, Russia + China, are in an advanced stage of rebuilding their societal cohesiveness. This procures their societies the significant advantage that their citizens are willing and ready to sacrifice in : an industrial, technological, and AI competition in a military conflict.

The present context, of stark differentiation in societal cohesion between the West and the East, appears to be the determinant parameter in the re-balancing of the governance-world. The path seems to be clearly drawn already and the outcome looks certain by now.

But known unknowns are nevertheless tempering the certainty of this conclusion. What I mean by this is that a great convergence is taking place between the multiple side-effects of Modernity.

4.1.2. pollution of land, , air, , and water.

A Google search for fertilizers and pesticides damage nature and life returns some 13,000,000 results. A search for “paint danger for life” returns 148,000,000 results. A search for “pollution of water and air” returns 244,000,000 results. These examples indicate, not only the richness of available sources of information about pollution. Reading through that list gives us also a long list of all pollution factors.

The fact is that all productions at the attention of consumerism are polluting in one way or another. Pollution is the side-effect of competition in production for profit. The profit motivation searches to find short-cuts to reduce costs and these short-cuts involve processes that generate externalities like chemically damaging the health of the user or directly polluting the air, the water, and the land around him.

These damages are called externalities for the good reason that they are not taken into account in calculating the cost of production. The user, or society as a whole, are thus left with the damage and also the bill to remedy the damage. This is how capitalism functions.

Nothing forbids humans to change their system of society. If they want to avoid pollution and the other side-effects of Modernity they just have to change their sociopolitical and economic system. This is easily said but not really my subject here. Let just observe in conclusion of this point that pollution of air, water, and land directly impacts us humans and also all other living creatures around us. It is a threat to the principle of life and a direct cause of the extinction of species.

Any sane society would want to avoid this at all costs but our present societies don’t seem eager to let go of the generation of profits and their externalities. What better way to characterize such societies than they are pure madness ?

4.1.3. climate

Most of us consider that climate change is the biggest scourge of our times. But the climate is only one side-effects of Modernity among many other.

During the entire 2.5 million years of the Ice Age era (the Pleistocene) carbon levels in the atmosphere were low and oscillated around 230 parts per million. Over the last two centuries human action has raised carbon levels from 280 ppm in 1800 to 410 ppm in 2019. This provoked an increase of the average temperatures of the earth by some 1.3 - 1.5°C. This figure does not include the increase of temperature related to the emissions of these last 15 years. There is indeed a lag of 10 - 20 years between emissions and increase in temperature. By all accounts the emissions as of 2019 should correspond to an increase in temperature of some 1.7 – 1.8°C in comparison with 1800.

The following graph shows that the normal temperature of the planet during the last 2 million years of human evolution was very unstable compared to the temperature of these last 10,000 years. On average the temperatures were some 4°C lower than over the last 10,000 years. And this differential in average temperature of the earth was all the difference between age age and a mild climate.

The stable averages, of the last 10,000 years, largely explain the rapid rise in population and the ensuing speed of societal change that brought us the agricultural and then the industrial revolutions.

From this graph we see that some 5 - 6000 Years Ago a cooling set in that climatologists say was the beginning of a new glacial cycle. This glacial cycle was interrupted by the heating caused by the Anthropocene that takes the earth in uncharted territories and at a very rapid pace.

Human actions cause climate change and this provokes the extinction of species. Human actions under Modernity have caused the extinction of many different species. The conclusion that should be drawn is that Modernity has been an impairment to the principle of life.

On the order of a million species are now facing extinction, “many within decades.” “What’s at stake here is a liveable world,” Robert Watson, the chairman of the group, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, told Science “6.

What is at stake is life on earth. We too easily forget that species live in interconnection. One species’ extinction signifies the death of many other. And when we are informed that one million species face extinction on a total of a few million the question that immediately comes to mind is “will the extinction of these species drag the genie Homo with it? ”.

There is no possible valid answer to that question. But the real possibility that our species could be wiped out over the next decades begs us to think this over. There is no avoiding the conclusion that Modernity is really a very dangerous worldview. Life is our most precious gift. That it could be squandered because of Modernity and its governance-world questions the sanity of the working of the human mind.

I have questioned elsewhere how our entire species could possibly have bowed in front of the reason that is at work within capital and how it then later started to venerate the reason as if it was a golden calf. This is the question that our species will have to answer if we have the good luck to survive our present predicament.

4.1.4. various other side-effects

The side-effects of Modernity can be summarized in 4 categories.

  1. “Western great discoveries” resulted in the holocaust of untold tens of million human beings and the elimination of their traditional societies, their languages, and traditional knowledge. Untold hundreds of millions of human individuals were butchered, or eliminated by our germ warfare, over the span of a short few centuries. How would that not be sufficient to declare Modernity the worse of all ideologies and the societies that act upon its doctrine the worse of all totalitarian dictatorships ? 
  2. The loss of the traditional men of knowledge, whose job was to share their knowledge with all citizens, was the starting point of the process leading to societal atomization. The sharing of knowledge offered a common narrative to the group which increased the trust among all citizens and this boosted then societal cohesion. This is the mechanism that since the dawn of human societies ensured their reproduction over many generations. All that knowledge has been squandered and then forgotten by Modernity. 
  3. The loss of the precautionary principle in our production of commodities, and services such as health care for example, resulted in a multitude of side-effects that we discover only after having suffered their consequences for a very long time and that is if we discover them at all. Traditional societies refused the spread of innovations that were not rigorously tested for their impact on future generations. All industrial productions are susceptible to provoke unforeseen damages. It is in the nature of the reason at work within capital to cut corners in order to reduce costs. The reason at work within capital is indeed forcing capital holders to make profits and, in the wild market competition pitting one against all, profits often result from cost cutting even at the price of poisoning the consumers, the air, the water or the land. 
  4. As we just saw the competition between capital holders results in unforeseen side-effects on the people and on natural systems. Capital holders are the citizens of nations and their societies are prone to enter into conflict over matters relating to the trade of productions or the technologies related to these productions. The present trade war that was started by the US against China is a good illustration of this point.
Trade and other conflicts between nations sometimes end up in real wars. One of the greatest dangers for mankind are conflicts and wars that end with the use of nuclear missiles. Fact is that nations today possess enough nuclear missiles to destroy multiple times all life on earth. The Doomsday Clock of the “Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists” is still 2 minutes to midnight7 indicating that the world is in a high danger one.

The danger, from any one of the multiple side-effects of our worldview and its governance-world, is real enough. But worse still is the present convergence of all these maturing side-effects.

4.2. the great convergence

The great convergence relates to the acceleration of each and all of these side-effects that reverberate to the four corners of the world. While spreading in intensity and geographically these side-effects are starting to interact upon each other generating feedback loops among themselves that for the most part the mind can not predict.

Humanity has the capacity to answer each of these side-effect taken separately including climate change and nuclear war which are the ones that appear to offer the highest risk. But the fact is that our societies don’t act. There is much talk coming from different spheres but societies seem unable to walk the talk. We are confronted with 1 the conundrum of unequally distributed knowledge that paralyses big capital holders and their servant decision makers, and 2the reason at work within capital whose urge to generate profits knows no boundaries.

This conundrum is reinforced by the reason’s urge. The resulting ignorance of the facts forces capital holders and their servants to resist reality. There seems unfortunately to be no available remedy to this ignorance and even if there was a remedy there is no certainty that this would change anything to their present willful non action.

The path of the great convergence is thus left free of resistance and in consequence it snowballs faster and faster, bigger and bigger, down the slope to the future.

Perhaps one day humanity will feel forced to enter into action by an accident of monumental proportion that ends up killing millions or that threatens to overwhelm national borders with million upon million of migrants who have nothing to lose and absolutely want to share in the material well-being of the countries of the North and the West. When the problem will reach overwhelming proportions nations will be awakened into thinking about action but by that time it will be far too late for their actions to have any impact.

The great convergence is full of uncertainties and unknowns. Whatever its outcome it is evident that it will impact the re-balancing of the governance-world. But as its unknowns leave no space for human understanding we can’t expect that our societies will ever be able to form much of a workable knowledge about how the great convergence is going to impact the re-balancing of the governance-world.

4.3. Conclusions

In all probability the side-effects of Modernity will exacerbate the imbalances of the governance-world and hinder its rebuilding. Looking at the future the outcome spans a vast range of possibilities in-between the following two extremes :
  • if the convergence of these side-effects were to take effect, during the coming hurricane that will shake the governance-world, then most probably there would be nothing left of the governance-world. Nor would there be any trace left of Western Modernity. Life would then be restricted locally in small bands.
  • if the convergence of these side-effects were to take effect, after the reset of the governance-world, this would give humanity the time to awake to the fundamentals of the principle of life. And in all probability this would energize the community of nations to act in order to preserve the chances of survival of the principle of life on earth.

What is largely unknown today is the timing and the form that these 2 resets will take. The reset of the governance-world is already at work and in all probability it will be completed within the span of the next three decades at most. But the timing of the reset, that will follow the convergence of all the side-effects of Modernity, is absolutely unpredictable.

The scientific community is divided presently in its analysis about these side-effects. Taking the example of climate change we observe that there are scientists who reject the majoritarian view that human activities are responsible for a warming climate. That majority itself is furthermore divided on the timing, the intensity, and the outcome of the Anthropocene. This scientific spectacle plunges the public into a quagmire of uncertainty.

We are still in times of plenty and all the talk, about the side-effects of Modernity, appears like an abstraction that people can’t seem to wrap their minds around. One side-effect is one thing. Multiple side-effects complicate everything. And the convergence of multiple side-effects is plunging the minds into the greatest confusion. But the fact is that the single side-effect of climate change is already dividing the scientific community and the public at large. This shows us without any possible doubt that bringing the public to agree with the reality of humanity’s predicament is an impossibility and as such the predicament of humanity appears thus rather unsolvable.

But is this really the case ?

I think that we have to temper this conclusion by focusing on the societal context in which the bulk of this debate takes place. What I mean to say by this is that the thinking process leading to this conclusion is grounded inside the contextual setting of Western societies. The whole debate about the side-effects of Modernity originated in the context of Western Europe and the US. This debate is thus inevitably focusing on the lines of perception that have been engraved in Western minds by :
  • their axioms of civilization,
  • their Christian worldview,
  • their culture of the day which is painted in the colors of postmodernism and neoliberalism.

I talked at length about these matters in Chapter 2, “The societal context forces human thinking and actions”.8

Side-effects start to be visible at the end of a process and appear as if they were direct consequences of this process. The same goes for the process of Modernity. The West has entered the age of Late-Modernity, or the old age of Modernity, and its most sensitive citizens are the ones who, over the last decades, started debating about the side-effects that they observed seeping from their worldview and its economic system. The noise of their debates gradually increased and touched more of their fellow citizens. But those who show their concerns for the consequences of these side-effects are still representing no more than a minority of the total population of Western countries.

The noise of the ecological debates in Western societies has also attracted the attention of some citizens from developing countries. But they represent a vastly smaller minority than the minority of ecologically conscious people in the West. This observation has me thinking. Nobody speaks about this but the fact is that I’m certainly not the only one who came to such an observation. So why is there no discussion about this ?

The question that arises in my mind goes as follows. In this age of reset of the governance-world the different geo-political blocs have different interests and propaganda is a choice instrument they use to manipulate the opinion of their own citizens and also the opinion of the citizens of the rest of the world. Here follow some examples of such manipulation in the recent history :
  • art was used successfully after the second World War to make believe that Western societies were free and to make believe that the societies of the other bloc were totalitarian. This was studied and documented extensively. See “Organic Art Manifesto. 4. Western Late-Modernity sows the seeds of After-Modernity” 9
  • education and media mold fashions that substantiate popular culture. One such fashion was postmodernism. Some french intellectuals, who were in disassociation mode from the left, proposed that worldviews or grand narratives were dead and of no use any longer. These intellectuals have been systematically recruited by US universities and their theories have been pushed in the face of the world.
    Time passed and the role played by postmodernism in fostering societal atomization is now indisputable. This hindsight flashes red lights in the mind. The whole thing looks indeed like having been a big manipulation to weaken mass movements that were opposed to capitalism and other aspects of Modernity which formed the core ideologies defended by big capital holders and their servants.
    For the establishment of Western societies the outcome was flawless. Their ideological enemies, left parties and trade-unions, ended up being mere shadows of their past self and offered thus no serious opposition to their imposition of a set of neoliberal policies that devastated the machinery of national states.
    Over the short span of 2-3 decades the left had completely lost its popular appeal. In this new context big capital succeeded to impose the inscription of its ideologies in state law. These laws were then implemented without any real opposition by the postmodern cultural establishment and the neoliberal public economic apparatus of all Western nations.
    Within two decades Western societies had transformed at the image sketched by the ideologies of big capital. As Buffet said the big capital holders have won the last battle in the class war and extreme inequality gave rise to dualist societies pitting the 99% against the 1%. The war is not over…
  • sex and its particular expressions are a part of nature that historically has been repressed particularly in all societies with a large Abrahamic following10. Sexuality was considered a matter reserved exclusively to the relation between a woman and a man at the attention of reproduction. Homosexuality was a taboo. Abrahamic religions “… have tended to represent patriarchal norms, enforcing a straight heterosexuality at the expense of any other sexual expressions. .... Most traditional religions have happened to ritualize and dogmatize practices that tend to place heterosexual males in charge of women, families, religious communities, societies and governments. This form of dominance ends up stigmatizing those who do fit into the scheme, notably, strong females and non-heterosexuals such as homosexuals.” 
    In recent years LGBT issues (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) have divided nations and their populations. In 2006 LGBT movements gained a first legal recognition at an international human rights meeting in Yogyakarta that spread the discourse on LGBT rights globally. Under president Obama the US started to push for the international recognition of the equality and human rights of the LGBT community. This resulted in the appropriation of the LGBT cause as an integral part of the liberal agenda and propaganda of Western nations. Sexuality suddenly transformed into a political issue, an instrument of propaganda, to smear more conservative countries in the eyes of their populations and in the eyes of the world.

The side-effects of Modernity are without a doubt a curse on humanity. But the present discourse emanating from the West, while recognizing the damages it causes, is nevertheless suspicious for the following reasons :
  1. the thinking process that led to the present literature is grounded inside the contextual setting of Western societies. What about the conclusions that will necessarily arise out of societal contexts built on top of different axioms of civilizations and different worldviews ? Commenting on his vision of “a community of nations sharing a common destiny” XI Jinping gave us a first indication that the conclusions of China will be of a different nature than the conclusions arrived at in the West presently and I bet that the same will be true in India, Iran, and other.
  2. the atomization of opinions in the Western scientific community is fueling confusion in the minds of the individuals and this is opportunistically sized upon by different groups of interest to push their own diverging agenda. 
  3. the US under Trump is washing its hands of any responsibility to fight climate change. It even denies that climate change exists at all and it freed its corporations and individuals from any environmental burden in their actions. This is fundamentally rigging free market competition and instituting a non level playing field to benefit its own economic actors at the detriment of foreign actors
  4. the political discourse about climate change coming out of the White House has already slightly modified the discourse of the other western nations that now start to talk about the need for all nations to share the burden to counter climate change. Is this the prelude for a coming rejection by the West of its sole responsibility for all emissions of CO2 that were released between 1750 to 2000 ? Is the West on a path of making the rest of the world pay for the damages it caused during the first 250 years of its industrialization ?

I think that an equitable way forward would be to ask the nations representative of all civilizations and all worldviews to express their opinion on the present predicament of the human species and to indicate how they view the path forward in term of the existing problems and in term of humanity’s answer to those problems.

In my humble opinion the Western societal context is not conducive to effective answers. Their national decision making processes are :
  • too captive of the interests of big capital and its servants who manipulate the organs of state power in order to maximize their interests 
  • too geared toward manipulation through the expression of everybody’s opinion and thus reducing the importance of the opinion of those in the know
  • too slow in decision making.
  • too inefficient in implementing decisions.

Since our predicament is not Western nor Eastern in its nature but relates in reality to the survival of the whole of our species we can’t count on Western style decision making to address it. If we were forced to wait for 7 billion citizens to express their opinion, or to elect representatives to decide what to do, chance is that our species would have gone extinct before we even get those opinions or the result of the election.
Present International institutions like the United Nations do not have the power to implement their decisions nor do they have the might to force defiant nations to execute a plan. Or these institutions adopt the necessary changes to answer the emergencies of our times or new institutions will have to be set up.

There is urgency to act. If humanity does not find the courage to beat back the reason at work within capital it will eventually go extinct in the arms its venerated golden calf. This will be no problem for the principle of life but for humanity it would certainly be a missed opportunity and a huge drama indeed.


4      Black Elk
5    “In Class Warfare, Guess Which Class Is Winning ” by Ben Stein in the NYT. 2006-11-26
6   “Climate Change and the New Age of Extinctionby Elizabeth Kolbert in, The New Yorker, May 13, 2019

8    See here + here.
9    See more particularly4.2. the financial and ideological spectacle
10   Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the largest Abrahamic religions. They claim the prophet Abraham as their common forefather. Today Abrahamic religions account for over half of the world's total population.

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