
Graphs from the series "Daily reality and the news about it".

While formatting the content of the series of articles, about the "Daily reality and the news about it" in pdf book form, I thought that it would be useful to dedicate an article specifically to the graphs illustrating these articles.

1. The class war of Western big capital holders against the working people

From the onset of the silent revolution of the 1970's, the working people got penalized financially. Their incomes got suddenly detached from the national levels of productivity and the near totality of all productivity gains were sucked in the pockets of ... yes in the pockets of the 1%. This was the clearest sign that the West was sacrificing its societal cohesion to satisfy the greed of a tiny minority.

2. The successive historical shifts of the center of gravity of the economy-world of Western-Modernity

This graph indicates that, between 1,150 approximately until today, the center of gravity, of the economy-world of Western-Modernity, moved 9 times from one regional area to another.

This means that one regional area assured its primacy over the rest of the world in the following domains:
  1. Its capital formation was higher than in other areas

  2. Its capital holders disposed of higher disposable incomes which ensured the domination of their region in the following fields :
    • Fashion in luxury goods
    • Fine arts
    • Architecture

  3. The primacy over the rest of the world also manifests in the center's exercise of power over its periphery. We live indeed in the historical era of the archetypal model of power-societies.
    As this graph n°2 suggests this can have consequences that are most directly manifested in how the dominant region is implementing its power. As is attested by the hegemony of Western nations over the last hundred years the consequence was the death of many civilizations and many societies while hundred of million human individuals got slaughtered and mother nature got raped over and over. 
    China's rise fortunately offers a different perspective. Its societal cultural field was centered along the entirety of its history on the alleviation of its peoples' suffering while procuring them the most favorable context for the production of their daily lives.
Interestingly a region's historical domination in those fields also leaves a legacy in the present primarily in the form of its better known artists and their works and in the form of its architectural monuments. And note how this legacy is a major tourist attractor ! 

3. The great convergence of the numerous side-effects of Late-Western-Modernity

This graphs indicates the interrelations, among the most important factors, at work in the infernal dynamic at work in humanity's present predicament.

4. China's technological drive to self-sufficiency and world supremacy

China and its 1.4 billion people are definitely showing that population is the predominant factor in ensuring the primacy of one region over the rest of the world. In light of these graphs the present attitude of the USA, in my eyes, appears to be in-comprehensively stupid.

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