
From Modernity to After-Modernity (11)

Part 2. Theoretical considerations
Chapter 3. About culture, worldviews, civilizations

3.  Culture, worldviews, civilizations

I  started book 1 of this series with a presentation about the most important concepts that frame my personal thought process. Chief among them is societal evolution that is deeply ingrained in cultural change and more particularly in the elements of cultural change that make it into the worldview of society.

I have furthermore dedicated some chapters of book 1 to the history of worldviews 1 & 2 and civilizations 1, 2, & 3. My intention in this chapter 3 is not to rehash the content of these earlier posts. I want now to address how these concepts interrelate and more particularly I want to address how culture acts as the catalyst of the evolution of worldviews, and of societies at large, in ways similar to genes that succeed to implant their mutations in the human genome.


From Modernity to After-Modernity (10)

Part 2. Theoretical considerations
Chapter 2. About the formation of consciouness

2.9. Lessons about the process of consciousness

Brain, mind, and consciousness are subjects that are not very well understood by science to this very day. Different approaches are competing for attention but none is truly satisfactory. In my personal search to make sense of consciousness I borrow elements of some of these approaches while integrating them in a holistic or set theory vision that is animated by the idea that the dance between polarities is what creates the reality of any entity.

The subjects are so vast and fraud with so many ideological a priori that I feel it is necessary to start by clarifying the context that shapes our perception.


From Modernity to After-Modernity (09)

Part 2. Theoretical considerations
Chapter 2. About the formation of consciousness

2.3.  The mind and 'Increased Complexity'

I'll start with an update of the graphs I gave in my last post.

A.    visualization of the cycle of life