
From Modernity to After-Modernity. (27)

Summary sketch of part 2.

Life is one of the applications installed in the operating system of the universe and it emerges eventually in those of its sub-sets whose context contains all the ingredients for life to emerge.

Humanity is one of the youngest species to have evolved from such a process of emergence on earth. As all species humanity is subservient to the application of the principle of life. By that I mean that we can’t escape its rules; we are merely dancing to the tune of its music.


From Modernity to After-Modernity. (26)

What follows is the table of content of the 25 posts I published during the past winter 2015-2016. These posts form part 2 of "From Modernity to After-Modernity" that addresses my personal theoretical views about societal evolution and the arts. This part 2 ended up totaling 204,122 words or some 750 book pages. I thought a table of content of this material could be useful to those of my readers who would want to read or re-read some specific parts of the content.  To find the post relating to the subject that interests you please go here.

Part 3 will address the paradigm shift that has already been set in motion during Late-Modernity. In other worlds part 3 shall address the formation of a new worldview, a new form of societal organization, and a new understanding of the arts that will replace the models of Modernity in the coming future... This will be the subject of my writing during the winter 2016-2017.

Until then I wish you all a very creative summer.



From Modernity to After-Modernity. (25)

Chapter 5. About the arts

5.4. the arts in what comes after Modernity
As I have laid out extensively already Modernity is in its late phase that I call Late-Modernity. This new context is made of multiple existential crisis that prepare the conditions for the seeds of what comes after Modernity to sprout. What is at stake here is the birth of a whole new societal paradigm that emerges as an answer to a falling model.
One of the most interesting aspects of the new paradigm relates to knowledge formation and acquisition.


From Modernity to After-Modernity. (24)

Dear readers I'm really sorry for this late publishing of the last articles in this series.  A software glitch left me stranded in Beijing and I could not find a way to access Blogger. There are 3 more posts to complete the publishing of what I wrote along the last winter. I'll post them weekly as I did in the past.
I wish you all a great summer. I'll be back publishing next November.
Laodan Numerous contemporary ideas about the future.

People generally agree that modernity has yielded a series of bottlenecks but they widely disagree on their future outcomes for human societies. The range of future possible outcomes varies along the line between the following two extreme beliefs:
  • the belief in technological singularity
  • the belief in the collapse of modern civilization.