
We are rapidly sliding into a new era

The 20ths of the 21st century are going to be remembered as a turning point in world History. Vital trends have been accelerating for years and are now reaching a tipping point. The overriding factor at work here is the shift of the center of gravity of the economy-world from the West (with Washington-NewYork at its core) to the East (with Beijing-Shanghai at its core.

The following factors are the major reasons for this shift :
  1. the East grows economically into dominance while the West stagnates and flirts with collapse.
  2. societal atomization is fostering cultural madness and so Western societies lose their cohesion
  3. Western big capital holders, and their servants, are rushing in a slew of defensive measures in the hope of preserving their interests. 
  4. all the while the East is building a new world order by coalescing the countries participating in the belt and road. Out of this gigantic engineering of economic development will gradually emerge a new world order that will marginalize all Western nations opposing it.

The most important measures, that Western big capital holders and their servants are rushing in, are the following :
  • the dismantling of all state institutions and regulations that ensure -- the democratic functioning of the body politics,  -- and the social cohesion of society
  • the imposition of the diktat of a hidden bureaucratic technocracy in managing the affairs of nations (deep state)
  • the militarization of police services that start to relate to the citizens as if they were their enemies
  • the collection of information (spying) on the citizens by information technology corporations that act as the servants of state institutions
  • the control of the news narrative that is diffused by the media which now acts as the propaganda arm of state institutions

The 20ths of the 21st century will inaugurate a new economic and geo-political era. But that era is going to be challenged by the sudden convergence of the multitude of side-effects of Modernity :
  • nano plastic particles invading the cells of all living organisms, 
  • erosion of top soils and its impact on agriculture, 
  • climate change and more generally the destruction of the habitat of living species, 
  • the peaking of resources (energy, minerals, metals,...)
  • etc...

I described this coming era, and the challenges facing humanity, in the following 2 books (given as free PDF's) :
  1. "Growing disconnect between East and West" published in October 2018
  2. "What is going on ?" published in December 2019

I wish everyone a happy and productive year,


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