Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts


We are rapidly sliding into a new era

The 20ths of the 21st century are going to be remembered as a turning point in world History. Vital trends have been accelerating for years and are now reaching a tipping point. The overriding factor at work here is the shift of the center of gravity of the economy-world from the West (with Washington-NewYork at its core) to the East (with Beijing-Shanghai at its core.


What is going on ? The book.



1. Book



I just published "What is going on ?" in book form (302 pages). Click here for a free download.

This is a first version customization in book form of my series of 14 posts going by the same title.  
After letting the book settle for a while I'll eventually further edit the text.
In the meantime I would be grateful to anyone for any suggestions or critiques. Please use the comment section or the mail-form.


Restarting to blog

To my regular readers "welcome back" and to new readers "welcome".


Since I stopped blogging over a year ago let me start with a recapitulation of my past blogging activity.