
Inevitable civilizational clash in the 21st century (02)

The convergence, of the societal dis-function of Western societies with the multiple side-effects of Western-Modernity, is confronting humanity with a predicament !

Before terminating the revision of "The interactive continuum of the cultural field of societies", I decided to share the first draft of the 3 chapters of its conclusion :

1. Summary of the revised Volume 1.

2. The convergence, of the societal dis-function of Western societies with the multiple side-effects of Western-Modernity, is confronting humanity with a predicament !   (Today's post)

3. How to escape the predicament of Late-Western-Modernity ?

Being shadow-banned I have to ask, if you happen to find this content of interest, to please share it with your friends.

Thanks. laodan.


Inevitable civilizational clash in the 21st century (01)

Part 1. Summary of "The interactive continuum of the cultural field of societies".

Before terminating the revision of the Volume 1, of my series "The transition from Western-Modernity to After Modernity", that is titled "The interactive continuum of the cultural field of societies", I decided to share the first draft of the 3 chapters of its conclusion in Part 6 :

1. Summary of the revised Volume 1. (Today's post)

2. How the convergence, of the societal dis-function of Western societies with the multiple side-effects of Western-Modernity, is confronting humanity with a predicament ?

3. How to escape the predicament of Late-Western-Modernity ?

Being shadow-banned I have to ask, if you happen to find this content of interest, to please share it with your friends. 

Thanks.  laodan.


Late-Western-Modernity and exceptionalism

Long time without posting

I'm terminating a revision of the Volume 1, of my series "The transition from Western-Modernity to After-Modernity", that is titled "The interactive continuum of the cultural field of societies". I have been plunged in this work for the last 6 months, 7 to 9 hours daily, 7/7. But this did not insulate me from what is going on in the world. I still read, and watch videos, 5 to 6 hours on average everyday. This informs my illustrations of the theories I write about with contemporary examples.

While reading the revision of the chapter titled " Late-Modernity and Western exceptionalism" I thought that it neatly sums up my views about the present Geopolitical situation so I decided to share it on my blog. 
The revision of Volume 1 will be available sometime within the next 2 weeks. 

Have a nice read and if you happen to agree with what I write please share this article with your friends.



New edition of "Concepts and synthesis"

I just uploaded the new edition of "Concepts and synthesis", the Volume 0 of the series about "The transition from Western-Modernity to After-Modernity". It is now available on my website.


The e-book "Daily reality and the news about it" is online.

I just uploaded the "Daily reality and the news about it".  It is now available on my website.

This e-book is a compilation and edited version, of my series of 5 articles under the same title that delves on the societal evolution of Homo-Sapiens which I argue is the brew out of which emerges our present reality. 


Daily reality and the news about it. Foreword & Afterword


Emerging facts, that are separated from the context in which they appear, make no sense for the good reason that it is their context that procures them substance. In themselves facts are incomprehensible. Their meaning is in the outcome of the process that formed them. In light of this the imposition by the media of facts that are divorced from their context is necessarily a highly suspect act that reeks of propaganda, as the Hamas story that fills our media today plainly attests.


Graphs from the series "Daily reality and the news about it".

While formatting the content of the series of articles, about the "Daily reality and the news about it" in pdf book form, I thought that it would be useful to dedicate an article specifically to the graphs illustrating these articles.


Daily reality and the news about it. Part 5.

Part 5. “There Is Definitely An Alternative” to Western hegemony (TIDAA)

In this last part I’m using a few quotes from articles by Peter Lee to force myself to focus on how the worldwide rise of TIDAA takes place in a deeply troubled context. Peter is a writer whose views on China I generally find refreshing for pointing to facts that are rooted in the ground of daily reality.


Daily reality and the news about it. Part 4.

Part 4. Science → great convergence → mass extinction event

For memory the multiple side-effects of Western-Modernity, that are presently converging, are accelerating both : — the unleashing, by each one of them, of tipping points that are sooner than later going to flip the Geo-bio-chemical state of the earth into new states from where there is no return — the creation of new critical areas of instability like the atomization of the societies, that reach the Late mode of development of Western-Modernity — the destabilization of the existing world-order due to the US refusal to accept the implications of the shift of the center of gravity of the economy-world, outside the realm of the Western civilization, which might eventually lead to a 3rd World War that would be fatal to our present societal arrangements and possibly for the survival of our species.


Daily reality and the news about it. Part 3.

Part 3. The Western Enlightenment, concealed the traditional model of knowledge formation

Traditional animist knowledge formation emerged most probably sometime in the millennia preceding the Eamian Interglacial, that lasted from 130,000 to 115,000 years ago. And during the Eamian itself that form of knowledge formation was boosted by the necessity to adapt to an abrupt climate warming. This adaptation initiated the transition to the archetypal model of tribal societies, which launched the process of societal evolution in parallel with the process of biological evolution.


Daily reality and the news about it. Part 2.

Part 2. The emergence of Western exceptionalism and its consequences

Northern Western Europe has inherited Christianity after the fall of the Western Roman empire. During the Early Middle-ages, which spanned from the late 5th to mid 10th century, Christianity got confronted with the cultural values of the Franks and by the 10th century it had reconciled with these values by absorbing them. This fusion procured the specificity that distinguishes Western Christianity from the Orthodoxy of Eastern Christianity to this very day.


Daily reality and the news about it. Part 1.

The present is the outcome of long haul evolutionary processes + the development of their latest structures

With my recent upload of "Societal knowledge formation" I put a stop to more than one full year focusing on the presentation of the key role that knowledge formation has played in the emergence of societal evolution and its further determination in shaping this evolution. And since the upload, of this 3rd volume of the series about “the transition from Western-Modernity to After-Modernity”, I have been eagerly surfing the web for the media’s description, in the present moment, of the unfolding of the shape of our future.


The e-book "Societal Knowledge Formation" is online.

I just uploaded the Volume 3, of the series about "The transition from Western-Modernity to After-Modernity", titled "Societal Knowledge Formation". 

It is now available on my website. 



Future societal evolution

The following quote was copy-pasted from the introduction of "Knowledge Formation. 8.2.2. Future societal evolution" starting on page 1,104 and following.

This 1,150 page book will be available on my website this 27th of August.



The mind : – awareness – consciousness – wisdom

The following quote was copy-pasted, from "Knowledge Formation. 7. The mind : – awareness – consciousness – wisdom" starting, on page 570 and following.

This 1,150 page book will be available on my website this 27th of August.


Ideas emerge in the cultural field of societies

The following quote was copy-pasted from page 418 and following of "Knowledge Formation. 5.1. Ideation is rooted in the contextual substance of the societal cultural field".

This 1,150 page book will be available on my website this coming 27th of August.


Societal paradigms and societal knowledge formation

 The following quote was copy-pasted from page 185 and following of "Knowledge Formation. 2.4. paradigms and societal knowledge formation".

This 1,150 page book will be available on my website this 27th of August.


Knowledge and Pragmatism

The following quote was copy-pasted from page 347 and following of "Knowledge Formation. 4.2.2. Knowledge and Pragmatism".  
This 1,150 page book will be available on my website this 27th of August.


The technical rationality of Modernity

The following quote was copy-pasted from page 583 and following of "Knowledge Formation. 6.2.1. The quasi-Worldview of Modernity".

This 1,150 page book will be available on my website this 27th of August.



A given set of contextual settings forces a given future

The following quote was copy-pasted from the introduction of "Knowledge Formation. 6.2. A given context forces a given future" starting on page 570 and following.

This 1,150 page book will be available on my website this 27th of August.



Marx confused the substance of capitalism for its form and this resulted in a temporary victory of Western big capital holders 150 years later

In my last post from 2003-03-06 I mentioned that I would try to give a monthly quote of parts of the book "Knowledge formation" that I was writing. I have not been able to keep this promise because my attention was fully absorbed by writing the book which visibly hindered my capability to conciliate the extreme focus, necessary to write it, with a weekly interruption to publish an extract of it.

Writing the book is finally terminated and my focus is presently on the customization of its published form. Its 1,150 pages will be available for download this 27th of August on my website. Until then I'll publish some parts that I personally find of particular interest.

Today's quote explains why the left, and the working class which represent over 90% of the population, have been defeated by Western big capital holders. Yes, as Warren Buffet recognized some years ago, his class has indeed won the class war. But, rest reassured, it was merely a temporary victory !  The failure of the Western left, and of the Soviet-Union, was due to Marx's confusion of the substance of capitalism for its form which Marxism has perpetuated to this day. China's millennial practice and theory, about societal governance, gave to the Communist Party of China the clout to see through this confusion and its success proved that "There Is An Alternative" (TIAA) to Western-hegemony after all. Herein resides Russia's daring to claim its territorial security from the West and the energized mood of the Global South that no longer hesitates to say no to the West !

The following quote was copy-pasted, from page 335 and following, of "Knowledge Formation. 4.2.1. Rupture versus continuity".


Foreword to "Societal Knowledge Formation".

This is a first post related to the book "Societal Knowledge Formation" that I'm presently writing.

I'll try to give a monthly extract of parts of the book that I personally find particularly interesting. The present post is the foreword to the book.


The e-book “The perspective of the grandmother of all nations" is online

I just uploaded the eBook “The perspective of the 5,000 year old grandmother of all nations”. 

It is a compilation, and edited version, of my series of 5 articles under the same title. 

This book examines the contemporary through the lens of my recently published book “Modernity”.