"The continuity of the cultural field" (4). The axioms of civilizations
Part 3. the axioms of civilizations
About the societal chaos fostered by the crisis of our times
"The continuity of the cultural field" (3). Two irreconcilable understandings about how reality operates.
Here is a chapter of "The continuity of the cultural field" that addresses the origins of the night and day difference between the civilizations of the West and of China.
2.2.4. shared worldviews stabilized early power societies
"The continuity of the cultural field". (2) Modernity is dieing. What comes after Modernity ?
While writing my earlier books I published a first draft week after week.
For the present book I will, from time to time, publish some parts that I think illustrate a particular flavor of our present air of the time.
Your comments are welcome.
"The continuity of the cultural field" : A new project (1)
The substance of this comment addresses one of the matters I'm presently writing about.
Here follows this commentary :
Digital variations : Wall 205 is online
The complete gallery of 256 digital variations that compose wall 205 is online.
Here under are a few samples from this collection. The size of each of these variations is 60 x 90 cm and the complete wall is 9.6 x 14.4 meters.
Click on the images to get a larger size at 1200 x 800 px.
Digital variations : Wall 204 is online
The complete gallery of 256 digital variations composing wall 204 is online.
Here under are a few samples from this collection. The size of each of these variations is 60 x 90 cm and the complete wall is 9.6 x 14.4 meters. Click on the images to get a larger size at 1200 x 800 px.
Digital variations : Wall 203 is online
The complete gallery of 256 digital variations composing wall 203 is online.
Here under are a few samples from this collection.
The size of each of these variations is 60 x 90 cm and the complete wall is 9.6 x 14.4 meters.
Click on the images to get their full size.
The ebook "First societal blow in Late-Modernity" is online
I formatted the series of articles titled "First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity" in e-book form and made it available from my website.
This series has become a long text. The 2nd edition of the book totals 599 pages.
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (20)
7.4.6. giving meaning to one’s life polarities are powering changes and transformations that open the doors to the universal potential living species are the embodiment of life Non-submission to the foundations of life results in the species’ extinction the settlement of disputes, between their polarities, leads species toward more complexity the loop from the whole to the local and back to the whole the true meaning of life a new credo in After-Modernity
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (19) the transition a creative life style
7.4.4. cheering life through pragmatism pragmatism in knowledge pragmatism in living pragmatism in societal organization
Content of Part 7.4.
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (18)
7.4. giving meaning to one’s life
This article is 5,200 words long and covers the following :
7.4.1. pointing fingers at scapegoats is no solution Sinophobia and the yellow peril China is the chance of humanity
7.4.2. fairy-tales, magic, dystopian adventures
7.4.3. escaping the negativity by scanning for positivity a worldview that quietens the mind.
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (17)
The results, of the adoption of “the reason that is at work within capital” and its adaptation by all nations on earth to their local contexts, are now in. During all these centuries humanity has been blinded, by the illusion of material possessions, while it was savagely trampling the principle of life and unleashing multiple side-effects that are now threatening to extinguish life on earth.
How could humanity be bamboozled to unleash such a devastation on the principle of life ?
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (14)
Part 6. The paradox of humanity’s predicament
6.1. Modernity, is the greatest achievement of humanity but it fosters life extinction
6.2. the shift in the governance-world leads to uncertainties
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (13)
5. A gradual shift from a Western to an Eastern model of society
5.3. Covid-19 is a first fatal blow to Late-Modernity
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (12)
5. A gradual shift from a Western to an Eastern model of society
5.2.5. the rise of the Asian model of governance
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (11)
5. A gradual shift from a Western to an Eastern model of society
5.2.4. the irresistibility of Regional Economic Blocks (REBs)
A painting from 1515 turns a mirror on its Western viewers
Hell Is for White People.
First devastating societal blow in Late-Modernity (10)
5. A gradual shift from a Western to an Eastern model of society
5.2. Toward a world confederation of regional blocs (REBS)
An ode to blogs
You are What you Read: How to Manage your Personal Echo Chamber
I believe that blogs are by far the best source of information for individuals like you and me.