
What’s going on here ? (4)

2. the cultural context forces human thinking and actions

The present post covers:

-  chapter 2.2. Societal worldviews

Next week’s post will cover:

-  chapter 2.3. Culture


What’s going on here ? (3)

2. the cultural context forces human thinking and actions

The present post covers:
-  the introduction of this part 2
and its first chapter 2.1. Axioms of civilizations.

Next week’s post will cover:
-  chapter 2.2. Societal worldviews 
-  chapter 2.3. Culture 


What’s going on here ? (2)

1. Pragmatism versus ideology

I’m foremost a thinker and a painter And I want to make clear from the get go that painting does not happen in a void. You certainly withdraw to a certain extent from the societal noise. But the societal noise is never far away and it somehow always finds a way to creep back into your mind. So the mind is never really totally detached from what is going on in human affairs. And so, whatever the views of the artist about what art is all about, the fact of the matter is that the act of painting itself can’t avoid to be tainted by what is going on around the image maker. In other words art is not a think on itself. Art is an integral part of societal life. And once this idea is firmly ingrained in the mind “art for art’s sake” appears for what it truly is: an aberration.


What’s going on here ? (1)

The disorder in the world of human affairs has been rapidly accelerating since the publishing of my book “A growing disconnect between East & West”.

At the time I concluded with the following observations:


All 256 digital variations of 1-02 are now online

The complete gallery, with all 256 digital variations of painting 1-02  from "the grand project", is now available here.

All 256 digital variations of 1-01 are now online

The complete gallery, with all 256 digital variations of painting 1-01 from "the grand project", is now available here.


Digital variations of oil paintings

I had been playing with various fractal apps in the early 2000’s and marveled shortly at the wild gyrations on the screen. But I rapidly started to feel uneasy with the machine like perfect outcome of those works. Such a perfection in my eyes appeared to be devoid of life characteristics such as the flaws that litter the path taken by the process of constant transformations that life is all about. In the case of a visual sign such flaws of life can take different forms like an imperfection in a line indicating an accidental move of the author’s hand. I always felt that the absence of such signs of life deny human craft qualities to these works. And this is how I started to experiment diverse methods to digitally transform photographs of my paintings. In 2006 I terminated 12 digital variations of each of the 40 acrylics in my acrylics “artsense” series. This gave 480 digital variations that were edited as very short limited edition prints. These works can be viewed here.

I later summed up my feelings about what I see are the main differences between fractals and digital transformations in the following posts:


The War With China is Already Under Way

"The only acceptable status for China is as a distinctly lesser power. To ensure such an outcome, administration officials insist, the U.S. must take action on a daily basis to contain or impede its rise. "


After the Trade War, a Real War with China?

" Five hundred years ago, Hernán Cortés began the European annihilation of the Mayan, Aztec, and other indigenous civilizations in the Western Hemisphere.  Six months later, in August 1519, Magellan [Fernão de Magalhães] launched his circumnavigation of the globe.  For five centuries thereafter, a series of Western powers — Portugal, Spain, Holland, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and, finally, the United States — overturned preexisting regional orders as they imposed their own on the world.  That era has now come to an end."

 Remarks to the St. Petersburg Conference on World Affairs
by Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. (USFS, Ret.)
Senior Fellow, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University
St. Petersburg, Florida, 12 February 2019


A sketch of the series "From Modernity to After-Modernity” (1)

A few weeks ago my friend Titus Hora (Facebook, Pinterest), and I, entered a conversation relating to art which is also the core subject of this blog. I wrote a sketch of a summary about my series of posts titled “From Modernity to After-Modernity” that I wanted to share with him and I post it here for the readers of this blog who might be interested.

After formatting the series I got some 1500 book pages that I’ll further edit and gradually publish within the coming months or years. This text is the first of two posts that sketch a summary, in 10 pages, of that series (1 page summary for every 150 pages in book format).



An e-book of all posts in the series “A growing disconnect between China and the West”.
After editing the posts the e-book totals 150 pages.
Click on its cover page hereunder for download.



Art. From tribal to power societies.

In the present stage of our understanding tribal art roughly emerged around 40,000  years ago while Chinese Xieyi painting, Chinese Buddhism and Christianity only started around 500 AD.

Calligraphy originates sometimes before 200 BC. It was revered as a fine art in line with poetry and music while painting was merely viewed as a craft applied in the field of decoration, remembrance of ancestors, or illustration of daily life. Xieyi appeared later as an extension of calligraphy and this is when painting finally acceded to the status of a fine art in China.

What is striking, in the juxtaposition of images here under, is how visually similar Chinese Xieyi painting is to tribal art. Chinese Buddhism still has some common traits with tribal art but with Christianity we enter into a whole new world.

Why is Xieyi so similar to tribal art?
Why is Christian art depicting such a totally different world than tribal and Xieyi art?


Humanity’s future and the role of the artist

This series of posts about “the disconnection between the West and China” centers around societal evolution, and more particularly, the present shifting of the center of gravity of the economy-world from the US to the territorial expanse of the Chinese civilization in North-East Asia. In the preceding posts we have seen how this shift is due to the interactions between the following factors:


Tentative Visual Encyclopedia of art

How to understand art?
Through reason with words?
Or through images of the thing itself?


The communist party ‘owns’ China

In the Peoples Republic of China the communist party literally owns the institutions of state and no interference in the decision making of these institutions is accepted by any group of interest. This is quite different from the West where lobbies write the laws relating to their interests. What this means is that the communist party has an absolute control over the way society functions. Now this does not mean, as most Westerners believe, that China is a dictatorship. Individuals and economic actors are participating in the decision making process by giving their ideas and opinions about what should be done. During this consultation phase civil society debates with the representatives of the party and the state about solutions and the media also relays these debates. Once the consultation phase concludes civil society retreats and lets the party and state institutions formalize the decisions and their implementation. And once the rules of the game have been formalized everybody is expected to participate in their implementation.


Big capital holders own Western ‘democracies’

In democracies a few families own controlling stakes of the capital that is invested in strategic sectors of the economy. This gives them, for example, the control over the media and ensures them the power to shape public opinion. And so the political decision making process is rendered captive of a public opinion that is being constantly framed around the interests of big capital holders.


How societies work & the role of worldviews and art

In my last post I tried to brush a rapid sketch of the profound mental disconnect between the West and China. In the present post I’ll brush an even more rapid sketch about how large societies function; it lays the foundations upon which, in my next 3 posts, I’ll build a more in-depth comparative analysis between the present and the future of Western and Chinese societies.


Center of gravity of the economy-world and worldviews

This article is a sketch of the general context of the present moment we find ourselves in the world. It comes as a conclusion of my short series “the disconnection in perceptions between East and West”. I'll follow this sketch with 2 more posts addressing – the realities on the ground in China and the West, – their future prospects in view of their present realities.


Restarting to blog

To my regular readers "welcome back" and to new readers "welcome".


Since I stopped blogging over a year ago let me start with a recapitulation of my past blogging activity.


Is America still a nation?

This 4th of July Patrick Buchanan asked if America is still a nation (1).

This question touches a raw nerve and our minds ache.
What will we do without America?


America First? Hum... but China Is already starting to Dominate Global Technology!

As I wrote in the first post of this series (A growing disconnect between Chinese and Westerners) "Change is assaulting our certainties as never before. The fields it affects are multiplying while its speed is accelerating and in consequence our minds are being numbed into incomprehension".

But few would ever think that these changes already imply that the technological center of gravity of the world is leaving the US. So what follows will come as a surprise to most. The reality is that China is sprinting investing all over the place while the West is broke, its societies atomized and on the verge of violent confrontations, and the interconnections between its systems are clogged like the arteries of a patient with advanced arteriosclerosis. Treating this condition is not a given and many specialists (economists, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, etc...) believe that the patient is on its death bed. It should thus not come as a surprise that year after year, month after month, the scientific news is informing us that Western technological supremacy is sifting, one sector after the other, like sand falling through the fingers.


Our present mood shapes our reading of the future.

 Does it matter if Chinese and Western perceptions about societal reality are growing further apart?  Whatever people may be thinking the fact is that this disconnect is going to have a decisive impact on how humanity's future will unfold and so I believe that those whose minds are still open and curious about the fate of humanity better watch carefully.


A growing disconnect between Chinese and Westerners

What is going on? People's perceptions in China and in the West are so absolutely out of sync nowadays that I feel the urge to write about this disconnect. Generally speaking people in China are very optimistic about the future and they trust their political decision makers while in the West people are generally pessimistic and they totally distrust their political decision makers as well as the other elites of their societies which renders them weary about the future. Am I the only one to be shocked by the intensity of this growing disconnect?


Introductory note about "From Modernity to After-Modernity"

This series is becoming so long by now that new readers might easily get lost... So let me start with an introductory note about its context.

My thinking adventure started in the nineteen-sixties and seventies. As an aspiring painter I was bewildered by the confusion reigning supreme in the art world and so I felt compelled to engage in a process of thinking about the arts and the function of the arts in society that later expanded to societal evolution and how the function of the arts adapts to the realities of changing historical times. This series tells what I learnt along the way.

What I write about is the perspective of a thinking artist and my conclusions go something like this:
  • the form of artistic productions must necessarily reflect the Zeitgeist of their times and must also be aesthetically pleasing in order to attract eyeballs
  • the only artistically worthwhile productions are the ones that succeed to give a peek on the emergence of the future to the viewer. In that sense the content of the artwork is paramount. It opens the minds to the emergent future and encourages us to adapt our present ideas and behaviors in consequence. Those works that succeed to catch the spirit of the future are the ones that will be remembered in the future... the rest will be forgotten.

The articles in this series are a first draft about the transition from Modernity to After-Modernity which is the historical leap of humanity out of Late-Modernity or out of our present historical era... What comes our way compares to what humanity experienced during its past 3 major societal transitions:
  1. from small bands to tribes sharing a worldview called animism
  2. from tribes to empires and kingdoms that launched civilizations whose societies shared a worldview called religion or philosophy 
  3. from empires and kingdoms to nation-states that share a quasi-worldview called Modernity.

The emerging transition from Modernity to After-Modernity promises to be as earth shattering for humanity as were the 2 first of these transitions and so it is my contention that the real artists today are those who are sensitive enough to capture the spirit, of what comes after Modernity, that is starting to emerge in the present. Being the active agents of the commodification of the arts, it goes without saying that, the operators of the art market are totally blind to such considerations... My hope is to touch those whose minds are still open to knowledge and beauty...

The articles in this series will be formatted in book form and edited for publication. Book 1 (2 volumes) written during the winter 2014-2015 is about history, Book 2 (5 volumes) written during the winter 2015-2016 is about theory, and this Book 3 (1 volume) written during the winter 2016-2017 is about what the future has in store for humanity ...and so its title "Divination". 
Since writing this some years have passed. Today I published the first volume of this series under the title "The Continuum of the Cultural Field"

This collection of articles is available here. (see articles 199 to 237)